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15 Oct 2008

ayee, and it's 15 oct 2008 in korean time ;D
and definitely, this is the most special reason why im here to blog today! ;D
because it's my lovely hae's 22nd birthday ;D ahhh, it's hae's DAY! ;D & yeah!
when i saw 11:11pm agn just now, i made a wish that hae's gna have a very happy birthday! ;D and of cos, sarangHAE, fan's alw ya fan! ;D

HAHAHA alright, i sound nutsy ;D cant believe fc4+ actually celebrated what... HAE's BIRTHDAY with a cake (w/o hae of cos!) like two yrs ago ;) it was silly but it was so fun. hahahah!oh right, i wish... sometimes, we could live in the past. but whoo, i love my life now too, minus all that rubbish exams and studying to do ;D i'll be a happy kid ;D and yes, a very happy birthday to fishie hae ;)and i wish his smile will alw be on that face of his cos it makes me smile all the time! LOVE!

i cant help it but to spam his photos;D but he's sure a kid who never grows up ;D;D

29 July 2008

it's been so so long since i typed in here that i took at least ten seconds or more thinking of my username and den password ;/
ahaha, last week was a fantastic week, i love everyday, tho it's busy. but at least im doing stuff that im happy abt, doing stuff for ppl that mean heaps to me ;D
and dingdangdong, can i just whine alil that i dont want to study.

and shoosh, it's suckyyy ;P AND IM VERY VERY DISTRACTED ;/ EEKEEYY.i dontnoe if i shld feel stressed or not. bcos im halfway feeling and not feeling it. and that's the problem when the feeling really sinks in cos i'll be so stressedout. SHOOSh, so b4 that day arrives, gotta prevent it ;D okayy. back to hypo testing. (could have finished a good 1 hr ago i swearrrr ;/)

DINGDANGDONG, this is a very unhappyyy kuku whiney complainey eeky post. i wish i nv typed it but i cant help it! HAHAHA! ;DD NIGHTSY LOVES! ;D gambateeee nehhhh to those who're MUGGING THEIR HEADS OFF ;D

01 July 2008

aye! ;D it's 1st July 2008!
it's angel teuk bday ;D i love our cute lovely leader for amazing suju ;D
saengil chuka ehyo! sarang haeyo eeteuk oppa! ;D

think im being bugged by the sleepy dingdangdong buggg! i slept for frigging 2 plus 3 hrs just now ;D and dang, imma gg to bed now agn. alright, slp slp slp ;D hehe!
OHOH, ivie siew and i went running today under the friggingg hot weather and heh, we bot half priced/student meal subway on our way back from east coast ;D wheeepyyy.

ayeee, nightsy world!

29 June 2008

been addicted to big bang's 'we belong together' lately ;D
me love this song definitely ;D ahhh, and did i mention G-Dragon's reallly really cute(well, not exactly the goodlooking kind),but heh, just CUTECUTE kind! ;D dingdangdong, ME LOVE CAPS ;D heh, and gdragon's cap cap caps are LOVE ;D and dang, he looks super adorable rapping yo! ;D 'HEY BABY GIRL!' DANG, HAHAH! cuteee~haha.

(pooof, hae looks darn darn darn ADORABLE with caps too!) and specs! he's sucha dork! AN ADORKABLE DORK ;D HAHHA! dingdangdong! what's with that laugh! HAHAH! love!

28 june 2008

heyheyyoyo!;D;D alright neh, imma in for an early blogpost today. fan's happy, i dont have to face my lecture notes today! a whole good weekend w/o lecture notes. dang, can you feel my joy! ;D tuition today was dangdangdang slpyy, but i survived it! haha, yesyes lameo dear, i'll slp earlier earlier next time b4 tuition. poof, didnt get to see midnight buddy, ALLY at tuition on a sat today! duh, maybe i didnt recognise her cos the crowd today was WOOH, alot. hahah!

kiasu jol&i decided to go earlier to chope seats ;D ahaha, thank goodness we did ;D it's not exactly bad to be ks XD well, we werent the only ones! when we reached, most of the seats were koped. & we thot we were early enough. hahaha ;D met ivie after tuition, den headed to town for some shopping, didnt get anyth tho. met up with the PINNACLERS& dang, i shld've taken pics of them in the mrt ;D hehe! they were so bright & orange. had lunch with them at marina sq bk ;D

congrats to the PINNACLERS ;D you lovelies are amazing & greato neh, you all had fun! ;D yayyy! & nods, we were doing all sorts of spastic stuff along the way back. like making poutty faces (siew's cute stickout ABIT tongue pout, right, ask her how she did it!) and calvin's funny face that no one can mimick!

aye, life's been fantastic ;D yippeee doo & i wish the fun nv ends ;D YAYEE ;D now, me want to change blog layout! & i have the sudden urge to sit in a cafe, & just chill, like how lingy & sijia had coffee at spinelli! ;D

27 June 2008

hello my lovely darlings;D yippee, alright, the 4 days of Cts are finally over. swear it was freaking terrible an experience;D but well, it's all over and yes yes, you, you, you and i, we all poor pathetic students deserve a short lil break from all that mugging studying and cramming all that stuff into the head! RARR ;D sure enough, i feel liberated after that last chem paper ;D so yeps, dinner with class in town, den walked ard, shopped a small bit & we tried to dress see ann up in topman ;D hahaha! and went to watch 'youdontmesswiththezohan' at cine cathay. did a teeny bit of shopping in diva before that & shoosh, the guys went nutsy & hilarious & totally madd trying on red ribbon,rainbow coloured hairbands & taking photos ;D even the shop lady couldnt stop laughing cos she was totally AMUSED. haha ;D

and out with odacers today for my 2nd movie today! WANTED. haha! swear the way the movie ended was totally like HUH. haha, alright no spoilers ;D but yeah, i think the movie effects are freaking cool & we just went like woah woah woah. haha ;D well now i noe bullets can bend, that's what circular motion's abt! dang, right, im crapping. but overall pretty good movie ;D heh! den we went to have dinner, talked and the usual & yippee, i get to eat icecream ;D dang, i have an addiction for icecreams lately ;D alright! life's good w/o all the studying for the moment! fan's lovin' this. & whee, i feel like a normal teenager now, leading a perfectly normal life, not havin to bury myself and sucidally drown myself in notes everyday! HAHA ;D

FANGIRLING PORTION STARTS HERE,(dont read if uninterested): many things' been real happy. read up on my lovely boys suju today;D wheehee! dangdangdang;D hae HAD been back to korea with the rest of suju M to join the rest of suju in dream concert& performed 'man in love'&'dontdon' ;D AHHH! watching most of the 13 there performing makes me wanna cry. im so so so missing the boys performing together.i've been neglecting my fangirling life.ahhhh nooo, lingy we have have have to catch up someday, btw, ryeo's getting cuter i swear!;D ohoh, what hae posted in his recent cyworld entry makes me teary& so touched. he secretly took pic of ELF & the reason why he did it was cos he really wants to rmb 7june2008. dang, i think he misses the rest of suju too. it's been long since they last performed together.
photos of hae kyu ryeo& hankyung finally on SUKIRA!
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

and yay! i wanna watch 'youaremydestiny' acted by yoona ;D heh! grins heh! she's soooo pretty;D a 160 ep drama ;D sounds good, but i wont have time to watch it by the time everyth screens ;D heh! well, at least i started on the first 2 ep! ;D HEHE!

and yes, photo updates ;D
^group photo! i like this photo ;D
^azabu sabo!
^masazu crepe!
^lovely girls jump shot we tried taking so many million times ;D
^cyclone jumps!! XD

josiah daddy's birthday!
^birthday boy!
^group pic in ikea!;D
^i love these girls ;D
^siew,kai,fan ;DD
^kai darling! ;D

sis&i decided to playplay with webcam ;D haha! retarded.

donedone ;D photoupdates are sure tiring ;Dhaha

18 June 2008

helloiello every single lovely dears who are still surviving the night like me here, those who alr knocked out& fell into happy sleep! wheeee ;D okay, fan's high. gosh. alright alright! first of all, it was josiah daddy's birthday! & yeps, the birthday operation was a successs (well, AS USUAL!) & wheehee, met up early to complete the lovely ipodfilled presents ;D man, it's pretty ;D heh! & den met up with daddy at swensens! & we got him a firehouse happy birthday icecream & fondue! ;D ate with him while the rest were on their way to ikea for surprise part 2! ;D hehe! good food swens was part one yo. & got a few pretty, cute, kawaii lil girls were sitting next to our table! & they sang bday song for daddy! damn funny, zl & ivie dear love the kids seriouslyyy! ;D zl fed the lil girls waffle biscuits ;D WAHAHA!

den brought daddy to ikea!;D and wheehee the rest of the odacers were the surprise for him! ;D odacers + ipod cake ;D hehe! pics up laterrr! ;D the cake's really pretty & yummy! ;D and yea! part 3 was our pretty handmade mini ipods for daddy ;D heh! hope he really likes it tho! ;D hehhe! & den part 4 was treasure hunt! ;D hehe! we made him find his final present! ;D HAHA! & he had to run up & down the whole of ikea from checkpoints to checkpoints! man, it was super funny & hilarious! but yeah, a whole deal of fun! anyhow, daddy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! & hope you have really the time of your life ;D

alright camwhored alot with the rest of odac on our way back from ikea to tm! ;D wheehee ;D nods we were practically entertaining ourselves with the camera ;D hahaha! alright yo! dinner then alil bit of shopping here & there then home! lovely happy day!

AYEAYE!ohohhh! FAN'S EXTREMELY HAPPYYY! ;D heh! i cant believe im so outdated! i finally listened to eunhyuk&KRY's ONELOVE! ;D MAN! im in love/infatuated/obsessed with the song right now. dang dang dang! i knew eunhyuk oppa performed this song during their seoul concert! but i was lazy to search & listen to this song until sis played it & did i mention, it was love on first hear. i didnt even noe it was 'onelove' by hyuk! THE FACT THAT HYUK WROTE THE LYRICS makes it... GOSH, simply simply.. LOVE FOR THE MIND & HEART!

i think hyuk's really talented in writing the lyrics. it's a beautiful song, a combination of rapping & singing, even if the lines & verses just keep repeating (aye, good for rmbing & singing anyw!) but seriously, the lyrics to the rapping parts make me go awwww... ;D and hyuk wrote this beautiful song! it's totally love. swear it's gonna be on repeat mode for my studying tml! WHEE!! & the lyrics are... kinda bittersweet. ah, in this song, hyuk didnt want the girl to go & wants her by his side. awww ;D man, i love this song alotalotalotalot(love)

&wheehee;D translated lyrics <3
ONE LOVEby eunhyuk feat suju KRY
Original Source. 킴샤렐라 at sj-market Translated by sides.

Lately when my friends see me all worn out, they say
not to meet someone like you ever again, they say
You left me shaken and crying
and that last phrase, “meet someone better than me”
So once again like a fool I get drunk,
my heart is one deep night, once again I leave a message
Already I’m standing in the cold, gloomy rain
Now … now I will be smiling

Do you want love, what do I have to do
And I want love, I’m still in love with you
The memorise are beautiful never let you go
The memories are beautiful never let you go

Do you want love, what do I have to do
And I want love, I’m still in love with you
I can never forget being left with nothing else I could possibly do
Please don’t go my girl
Please don’t go my girl

One love one love
The memories are beautiful always be my girl
One love one love
The memories are beautiful I don’t wanna ever say good bye

Oh, it’s still clear in my mind
On your birthday I was only able to give you a small gift,
I hated myself, that I was like that
But still you said that you were thankful and spilled tears
When will you be able to hear my earnest heart calling out nervously,
if it’s the same as the other half of yours that you long for,
then tell me now that you love me,
that you will never leave my side ever again, please..

Do you want love, what do I have to do
And I want love, I’m still in love with you
The memories are beautiful never let you go
The memories are beautiful never let you go

Do you want love, what do I have to do
And I want love, I’m still in love with you
I can never forget being left with nothing else I could possibly do
Please don’t go my girl

One love one love
The memories are beautiful always be my girl
One love one love
The memories are beautiful I don’t wanna ever say good bye

You’re still my love (uh,uh,uh,uh)
Oh! oh! oh! oh!
You’re still my love forever

Always be my love

One love one love
The memories are beautiful always be my girl
One love one love
The memories are beautiful I don’t wanna ever say good bye (x3)

dang, imma sorry, im slpy ;D pics up next time ;D HAHHA! IMMA FALLING ASLP SOON! YAWNS! ;D hehe! nightsy world!

17 June 2008

firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSIAH DADDY! ;D hope you'll have a wonderful & lovely & happy birthday! stay happy alw&alw! ;DD

oh right, been so long since i blogged ;D hahah! 10 days! heh! okay, nth much thruout the past 10 days, except that fan did studying! ;D wheehee. but been 2 days since i touched books tho ;/ aye & CTs is next week! WOAH ;D fantastic, fan's gg to take CTS! haha!! ;D alright ;D i wonder why the grades stop at E and den go to S, why not F! haha! den i think Fs are gg to be my very good friends ;D wahahha! ;D okay that was random ;D okay doke ;D did some studying, went for projectdiscovery6, aye, did minimal shopping(me bought two tops! happy doke!) alright, i need to go shopping before i get too deprived of it & ends up splurging when i finally get to! ;D oopsy XD

alright, my brains cant rmb what happen in the past period of ten days really. gosh, i have short term memory! ;D HEHE! but anyhow, ayee, random agn, but heh! i think yoona's soooo pretty ;D grins! man, she's simply a few mths older ;D aye, she's sooo pretty! ;D grins! my favo girl from SNSD(apart from taeyeon & yuri! ;D)& whee, i wanna watch her new dramaa ' you're my destiny' ;D stuppiddd sis, watching in front of me when she knows i have CTS. man, what a tortureee ;(
ipuda, creoda yoona! ;D

lalala, pretty much a retarded senseless post ;D hehe!;D

07 June 2008

aye hadnt been online for the past two days;D and imma back here agn!;D hehe!alright. teen games was kinda freaking exciting, yeps great job all you loves!! ;D hehe! it's been realy cool gg down to support and stuff and yes, some of the matches just make me scream scream scream. hahaha ;D cos it's damn excitingg ;D but yeah! great fight, all you captain ballers ;D heheh! hurrrayy! and wheehee, as usual, we took pics! ;D and yippee, i think the lighting in the sports hall is nice ;D and shoosh, i love the group pictures ;D heheh! yeps! that's teen games for wed & fri;D pics will be up soon! ;D (soon soon ;D)

&yes, thurs was econs tuition in the morning!;D i think econstuition are fun ;D haha! and pretty nice coss i alw feel happy and sorta accomplished at the end of it. sth i'll nv find myself to be lidat during sch's econs lessons. ;/ hahaha! oh right, mayb cos i dont ever listen ;D hahah! okay! and den went forlunch and den studying session with jol& siew ;D wheehee, delifrance's a good place to study ;D hehe! and shoosh, the service there not bad ;D and the thingis they dont chase you away ;D i even brought in coffee bean drinks;D LOL! yeps went to artbox with siew & she got herself a pretty plannnerrr/scheduler ;D hehe! went to newton circus for suppper with 4dee loves ;D and man, i swear lingy's 13.6(?)mega pixels camera is GORGEOUS ;D hehe! and the pics that you take with it, is gorgeous too!;D and we kept playing with smile detectors;D hahahah! & yes,ate alot till im very very very full.HAHAH! ;D went home;D

friday morning was studying in macs with ivie, shh & wm before captain's ball. lol! i swear it was kinda unproductive cos partly i was slpy and trying desperately to make myself stay awake and high ;D haha! lol!;D shldnt have trusted myself too much with waking up early. shldhave told myself i was tired and needed more slp when i actually woke upbefore the alarm rang. woah ;D hahaha! but yippe, it must have been fate cos IVIE DEAR was on the same train as me!;D HEHHE! it was qt exciting to have received her msg abt her reachin in one stop's time ;D and dangs, i wanted tocall her and say me too me too! and den i saw her on tampines mrt platform ;D hahah! shh was funnily saying she feels hungry & tired. but i think all the rest who were studying there were all productive den i was. becos, i swear, i dont rmb what i studied that morning. it doesnt stay ;D HAHAHAHAHA! but still good, a small attempt is an attempt after all!;D

ayee, supposed to be studyingwith lingy & cecilia at vivocity today at some really nice place with swings lingy was talking abt. but lingy dear was down with fever! so cecilia & i decided to save it for next time ;D hahaha! and yeps, with lingy dear after she recovers ;D get well sooon love! i wanna go sit swing with ya! and eh, enjoy the sea breeze ;Dheheh! and shoosh, so fan was a good kid today and she went to tp library to mug alone! ;D hahahah! & darn, it was so freaking cold. i thot i wouldnt need a jacket cos i was wearing long sleeves. hahah! guess not. was shivering and basically bobbing to the music on my earphones alot to shake off the chills. poof. & there, i sat there from 11 till 6 and wheehee ;D finished 7 chapters of physics ;D fan'shappy! ;D and yeah, im supposed to continue with waves & superposition after this so as to complete mylovelyproductive day ;D hahaha! thot i wouldnt see anyone i know, but guess not ;D LOL! yeps, didnt even eat anyth the entire day till mom called. went for dinner with mommy & daddy ;D heh! spastic me waited for them for pretty long when i thot i heard they were on the way alr when they werent even on the car yet when mom called for the 2nd time;/ LOL! hahaha!

okay! imma gg off to continue with waves & superposition! AHAAH! den that'll be 9 chapters for one day;D hehe! my first productive day in this two weeeks i swear ;D

04 June 2008

hello world!;D the ultra procrastinater's (procrastinator? if there's even such a wordXD) in the house yo! ;D alright, im supposed to be doing my econs essay for tml's tuition. poooflallehbong, ah, okay, that was a random exclamation. hahah ;D I DONT FEEL LIKE DOING! (ahh, i feel crazy!) right, now i sound like some spoilt brat kid who's defiant in doing a certain nasty eeky yucky thing called studying, mugging & doing work! heh!

but first first, before i say anyth else, today's TEEN GAMES CAPTAIN'S BALL! ;D ayeee so excitinggg to watch the match! and POOF! yay, i cant wait for more exciting matches on friday ;D yeah, but still, great,awesome fantastic, fantabulous, splendid (haha, needa build up on my vocab of nice words) job asazu sabo masazu crepe! ;DD hehe! and i swear today's the day in my life which i've used the most number of 'NICE!' in a short period of 3hrs! hahaha! ;D ayee gambate you loves! GOGOGO! ;D HEHE! but keep safe alot & have funnnn! ;D

okayyy doke, dont read this part onwards till the end of the post cos they're basically a truckload of crap that proabbly doesnt make sense! hahah! ;D i need to rant to my lovely blog!;D i dont know how this is gg to turn out, but i need to release my random chain of thoughts before i shall return to reality, & start penning my first word for the econs essay! lemme see, there's so so so so much stuff i feel like doing now, like hmmm, go for yummy coffee sessions with some dears, slacking & chilling at some 24hr cafe (tcc maybe? oh i love tcc!) in the middle of the night, feel like gg to the airport to watch planes - just chill out, relax & not worry abt anyth else, feel like watching an extreme movie(those that either make you die laughing till you roll on the ground or those that make you cry buckets of tears! HAHAH! sounds alil crazy.), feel lik gg for happy madness shopping sprees with mommy, SHOOPPPERRS, or just any lovely shopping dears! (buy buy buy heaps of stuff!), feel lik gg to spore river nightwalking agn (lol, yes i love the night more than the day ;D more cooling & relaxing i guess? XD), feel lik eating buffets that doesnt make you fat (no suchthings i know! ;D),feel like roaming the streets of spore in the night! and and and feel lik sitting on a plane with lovely dears and friends to KOREA&JAPAN, & yes with the odac loves for OT3!, with 4dee dears for chalet again and alot alot more!!!;D;D;D alright, all these aint gg to happen anywhere anytime soon i know, sadly. but heh, it's alw good to dream of doing them ;D ayyyeee! this sounds lik what i was doing during olvls prep where i was listing what we shld do after olvls and stuff ;D ahh, so fun & get high on talking abt doing them! ;D hehehe! im sucha escapisttt from studying that is! HAHAHAH! ;D

poogiie bongbong;D lalala! ohoh! flipped through this '100 secrets to being happy' or sth lidat book in the train today! faizah's happy book ;D hehe! tho it's abit wordy ;D but i really like the smiley on the front cover! hahah! some stuff that i rmbed from inside : turn off the tv(tv makes you 5% not sohappy with every 1 hr you watch!), be your own FAN!;D, dont ignore things that your loved ones do that bother you (hahah,yeah! i point out ur faults cos you're my loved ones you see ;DD),listen to music, LAUGH, SMILE!!! and alot more ;D hehe!

alright, i shall stop procrastinating now and return to my rightful duty of doing my econs essay ;D haha! i've hesitated enough ;D now i need to find my foolscap which may take another hr probably! ;D BLOGGIEE, save me from evil tortures of econs!!! poooffy! heheh! okay doke, rarrr, a random thot just flew to my head, if i dont study enough, dont do well enough for alvls, would i ever regret that im procrastinating today, and regret that im sarificng my long term happiness for such a short term happiness of not doing work! and what abt the disappointment, to everyone else, esp to daddy &mommy. gosh, unbearable thot!! XD poofy, no, i dontwant to live my life in regrets!! ohoh! but maybe maybe if i make myself happy happy in studying and doing econs essay, i can have my short term happiness even in doing the essay too! oh right, but the question is how! HAHAHAH! ;D

alright essay time! ;DD HEHEH!and yes, if you read the entire chunk of rubbish in front of this. den you're a really bad kiddo! haven you been taught to listen to instructions? HEHHE! ;D and gosh, you wasted a lil of the time of ur life readingg a rubbish post when u could spend it studyinggg! TSK! and if at this time, you're still reading, you deserve a SMACK! ;D HEHE! ;D

oh right, koped this from lingy's blog!

Just try this. It is from an orthopedic surgeon............
This will boggle your mind and you will keep trying over and
over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't.
It's preprogrammed in your brain!

1. While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer,
lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with
your right hand. Your foot will change direction!

pretty interestingg ;D

03 June 2008

hellooyo! went back today for guides early early in the morning and i was the second to reach! at least sr reached there first! ;D hehe! oh man it's been ages since i see so many of them and whoo, there were sr, jas, hannah, kelly, qiubx, kai, tong, jol & i! 9of us! ;D ahh! that's like so happening ;D hehe! but basically, we slacked! HAHA! man, i swear sr and jas are the most retarded ppl on earth! haha ;D they're retards ttm ;D HEHEH! had a funny day laughing and slacking and shoosh, the funny thing was we tried to study but nah, not much progress in fact ;/ in fact i dun think i dida single thing at all! haha bad fan ;D and sorry dear heaps, didnt mean to make ya upset or anyth ;/ but i really really cant;/ will try i promise ;D okay doke ;D and nods!! and yeps, aint gna type much today since ytd's post was ultra long! peektures update today ;D

my adorable guides lovelies ;D
tried a millionmillion times to get this everyone nicely in the pic ;D self cam yo!
jolkaifan ;D
ting's cheerleadingg! 07s44 ;D
tjc duathlon! (extremely late updates of photos) XD
dearest race partner, ivieeeeee! <3
this time with guest crasher - hammie! ;D
with jia<3!
with kai<3!

hahahah ;D prety pictures are lovely memories ;D

02 June 2008

nahuh! i think fan's pretty much allergic/sensitive to lecture notes & my nose feels like it doesnt smell anyth at all! hahah! began sneezing qt abit in the library today while studying. poof, i swear it's the lecture notes! got to be! ;D ayeee,not bad, did abit of math today, well, added to the happyness thing abit cos i finally did some work. but then again, there's this nagging.. sianness! HAHAH! ;D studying's sucha torture! but of cos friends made it a whole load btr ;D precisely why i love studying with people ;D hehe! even if some idiot lovely darling loves whacking my head when i fail to study or when i whine abt studying (i swear studying's the only only only thing i whine abt... i think? :P) hahahah! & fan realises she really need to get her head into some serious studying and then, dies sneezing & being allergic to lousy lecture notes ;D hehe! horrendous. alright, im waiting for a continuous number of free days where i can really really study properly without anyth in between ;D & yeps, lovely darlings &dears, studying dates pls! HAHAHA!

but today's studying with sheila was pretty good;D at least i kicked start my studying alil! hahah ;D i did 5 chapters of math at least (easy peasy ones :P ) hahah! as compared to nasty horrendous normal distrib. any pro normal distributers, pls transfer abit of the knowledge into this poor pathetic brain here ;D HAHAH! okay, i sound really pathetic. hahah! right, hell no yea, fan's gonna pick up and pull her together! in a matter of time (uh yah right when, i dunno how many million times i've told myself this) and hopefully, this time it works! haha! ;D & probably need a studying plan to be planned out. but hellooo, imma lazy to even plan ;/ HAHAHAH! okay, laziness on the toll. i wonder if laziness kills. haha! if it does, i'd be one of the first victims ya. hahaha!

alright, gotta update alil on what i do each day in here before i forget ;D my memory's getting very bad these days ;D hahah! and i dont wanna forget these beautiful moments in my life ;D on sat, wheehee, went for my first productive econs lesson in my entire life of 17 yrs plus ;D hahah! aye, the tuition's really not bad & fan's been a good kiddo & i paid attention even tho i didnt noe what all the odd foreign econs terms were ;/ hahaha ;D & after that, got home, slept alil till i was ready to meet some s44 darlings to support ting in cheerleading! ;D hehe! as usual, cheryl & i were the earliest ;D we waited for the rest of the girls & woah, the guys are late as expected alr ;D and so, the girls went shoppingg! haha GSS yo! bought a pair of shorts from cottonon ;D ayee, freak, the changing room queue was sooo long that i just grabbed a size i thot would fit perfectly. & yeah, i overestimated myself ;D ahaha! no wonder shh says her shorts were on the verge of dropping any moment ;D HAHAH! i fully understand man. hahaha! yeah! & then, got flowers for ting! watched the cheerleading, it was really like woah! hahaha ;D grins. the flips & rolls & such ;D hehe! & after tt, gave ting flowers, took photo, went for dinner at lido subway, slacked & had icecream along orchard streets, walked from orchard to rochor rd for tauhuay ;D LOL ;D and took the almost one of the last few trains home ;D wheehee, felt like a long happy day! ;D

next was sun, woke up pretty late in the afternn, slacked ard at home, passed some cds & stuff to lameo, went to meet the odacers at orchard & wheehee! we were on the same train! ;D just had that hunch we'd be on the same train ;D & that's when i saw cw's head in the midst of the crowd ;D hahaha must be fate ;D lol. alright, supported cheerleading & congrats to them! stunts got champs & nonstunts got 2nd ;D real remarkable anyw! ;D HEHEH! alright, went for dinner aft that at taka fountain agn ;D hahaha! had tori q bento ;D WHEEhee! and azabu sabo icecream ;D heh! ivie, shh & i tried 9flavours before all of us got our scoop of icecream ;D ahhh, happpyyyyy ttm that was! ;D & took pics, & just crapped ;D haha! spastic zl was getting drunk on rum&raisin icecream! LOL! i wonder why! hahah! dogs cant take alcohol yeah? ;D grins. he was madly laughingg. hilarious totally! aftertt, was supposed to head home, (oh right, we were alr at novena station) and yeah yeah! the exciting thrilling part, ivie kai & i were so impromptu in wanting to take a walk alongspore river. hahah! ivie's unfulfilled desire to have a night walk along spore river! haha! and so, i dunno if it was outta impulse, rebellion, defiance, nahhh, just a yearning desire to do something crazy, thrilling really! and yes, friends do crazythings together i swear ;D HEHE! and so we dashed outta the train & took the opp train to clarke quay ;D hahahah! alright, we walked all the way from central shopping mall at clarke quay to fullerton at the other end of spore river ;D man, it was sooooo shiok ;D & the scenery was breathtaking & everyth was just good ;D was really really really happy and nopes, no regrets in being crazy. in fact, it's surprise outgs like these that makes everyth even btr than the alr good outing ;D hehe! & so we talked & walked, took pretty pics of the landscapes, sat down before fullerton & talked heaps ;D love, & i love night walking moments like this! hahah! just with friends ;D oh right, anyth with lovely friends are good! hehe! i guess we're all pretty much friends-oriented ppl ;D HEHE!

& these are what i would call happiness pangs;D lovely company of people throughout the weekends ;D & yes, every lil happy things along the way ;D & no, i'd never take these for granted ;D or rather, no one shall ;D ahhh, i still hafta repeat, i need to do some crazy stuff agn someday one day ;D hehehe! lemme see... i want to... eh, i cant think of any right now. when i feel lik doing sth, i'd blog it agn! ;D HAHAH! right, and ppl say im too idealistic. well, tt's the way i am, & yeah, i love living in my world of contentment & fantasy ;D haha! i get contented even dreaming ;D HAHAHA! ALRIGHT! what are people without dreams huh! ;D of cos we needa dream ;D

and yes, arkar boy just had his op today! and we went to visit him. oh no, & he;s really in pain but i hope our presence did ease his pain alil ;D but arkar boy is strong! he can fight the pain monster! hahah! aye not so much of hunger monster anym! haha ;D LOL! alright, you stay strong boy! ;D and yeah! i pray his pain would subside as soon as possible! take care heaps you boy! ;DDD recover and get well asap! all the pain & stuff are gonna be over over over ;D hahah!

yeps okay, im a lil lil lil high now ;D hahah! grins, okay this is a really really really long post! and poof, i have to go back st nicks tml ;/ LOL & so early some more! gotta get some slp alr. nightsy loves ;D take care and keep safe & happy all you darlings ;D

29 May 2008

yippeedoo! ;D & im back in st nicks studying today! ;D happy happy but well,not so productive i can say. but yeah, first day of studying today. so good lil job fan ;D WAHAHAH! lol imma so easily contented ;D read normal & tried the tutorial. the initial part was shyt, & i kept getting stuck that i wanna rip the tutorial (hha, yes imma violent kiddo) heh! ;D but yeaps, i was taught to persevere all my life & yay! i survived till tutorial 4.2 ;D got really bored at it & wheehee, went to study physics quantum 2. ha alright, that's all i did today. DAMN pretty little, but heh! I PACKED MY NOTES!;D HAHAH! lols ;D alright that was ytd, but still! hahah! i deserve a good lil rest ;P HEH!

& yeps there was kai,lorena,xiang,cecilia,dino,jia,phy& me! ;D & gluttony me ate alot of st nicks yummy food ;D HEHE! happy happy! & drinks stall uncle rmb us! ;D HAHAH! which is kinda cool ;D HEHE! icedtea icedtea, orangebowl orangebowl ;D LOVE! & appletea, jellyjello (donnoe what it's called lah) ;D just tat the canteen's super nice to sit in & the tables are ultra clean ;D WHEEHEE (; can practically kiss it. LOL! okay not to that extent ;D HAHAHH! i was being retarded. heh! and really, dino's kukubong, suan me that im darker than her & STILL wanted to shut me up with your kuku iced milo ;P HAHAH and yes, talk so much during studying session ;D haha! the noisiest kiddo you can ever study with. but dear, you made it up by sending me songs ;D HEHEH! & you're FOREVER late. poor cecilia has to wait for you lo! TSKTSK. haha!

heheee ;D alright, ilovestnicks ;D
heheh! and poof, i dont wanna run3.3! ARHH!laziness on the toll :P hahahahs

29 May 2008

short quick post before i go to slp. yawns a million;D hahah! oh yes ah, i finally packed finish my notes.after well, 6 hours ;D HAHAH! lol with intermediate breaks & procrastination ;D hahah! LOL! just wanted to leave all the stuff lying on the floor & slp in a 'paper factory' (quoted from kai!) hahah! but heh, i think i'd crumple them ;D hahah! so i decided not to. hahah! but i really dont mind just slping on them. yawns. hahah! stupid mountain of notes. now there's like files and files of them. & i dont know which or where to start studying from! hahah! and yes gg back to st nicks to study tml ;D AH SO EXCITING! ;D HEHE! cant wait yo! ;D and yes, i btr get some slp soon.

&well, lameo says i shld invest in staple bullets cos my notes are fallin out. haha well, fan's lazy & forgetful to get any yo! ;D HAHAH! aye yes, so everything's been settled & nods, i've sorta replenished my slp tho it still gets kinda mentally draining. i donnoe. aftermath. hahah! ;D but yeps, jus gotta slp more ;D SLP is very IMPORTANT FOR HEADACHES, coughs ahem yes at some defiant PTP;D hahahh! ;D nods was really really happy back in sch today ;D wheeheee, finally stepped back into the odac room & seeing all that nice familiar faces after donnoe how long! HEHE! ;D okay. not very long. but still, im used to see my dears everyday! ;D haha! captain's ball was well, okay, qt easily tired out today & den went for lunch with jol,kai &hammie at pp. & after that went to bodyshop to get showergels which were on offer ;D haha! yippee doo! ;D no more passionfruit tho ;D haha! strawberry's good too! ;D got ivie the papaya one;D HEHE!

alright yo, needa head to slp like this instant. nightsy loves, keep safe & take care ;D oh yeah, take care tong! sorry i didnt go send you off at the airport. take heaps of care in japan & most importantly, have fun ;D enjoy yourself dear! ;DD

25 May 2008

and yeps, on a happier note, it's ZHANLIANG DOGGY'S BIRTHDAY TODAY! ;D happy birthday boy! sorry i cant be there but i really really hope you love the presents heaps ;D aww, ur lovely yellow kennel with red roofs ;D hehe! LOVELY! hope you hav a pleasant lovely day! ;DD GRINS!

and yeps, i cant say enough thankyous to all you loves, for the comforting hugs, talks, msgs, notes, and cyclone bakers' cupcake ;D thankyou dears for alw being just there;D iloveyouall. pls keep safe and happy you lovelies ;D

25 May 2008

been a freaking crazy week i swear, but things' been handled well. sometimes when things fail you, you just gotta deal with it ;) there's no such things as losing faith, losing hope just as long as you hung on tight to them.. well, dont lose hope or faith in every other thing if just something fails you. this, is what i believe in ;D

pls let grandpa find peace in heaven..
i pray.

23 May 2008

and it's been pretty long since i felt this way ;D the pleasant way of craziness ;D not to the extent of really crazy! but yes, im high and well,governed by my instincts to be high and driven by adrenaline to be high! HAHA! JUMPS ARD. i just cant seem to get the excitement outta me ;D HEHE! i feel like just jumping ard madly ;D HEHE! aye! LOVELY ;D and the thing is it drowns all tiredness in you and heh! laughters are good ;D hahahah! they make you happy ;D HEHEHE! hello you all lovelys, care for some highness yo? ;D HAHAHAH! alright!

thot i wouldnt have survived at all today! alright fine, i didnt exactly survived! but i TRIED staying awake but heh, succumbed to temptation to fall deep deep aslp! HAHAH! LIKE ZOMG! i slept throughout all lectures (except for math! cos i decided that sincei started listening to complex, i might as well NOT GIVE UP on my first chapter that i actually listen to! and yay! i understand complex numbers ;D imma not that stupid after all ;D HAHAH! ) but no matter how hard i TRIED to keep awake for chem today, i really really cant ;/ and boom, i died for the like the first first qns of the mcq test/practice! WAHAHA ;D man seriously, they speak foreign languages to me ;D chem speaks foreign languages to me no matter how much they wish to be acquainted with me! :D HAHAHAH! alright still died for the lessons! but nods, i came to realise that the mind's really really powerful. i could have just keep thinking that i am VERY tired which i really was and just lead a very sian/tired/want-to-die kinda day ;D but yeps, the mind's amazing and it carried me thru all tht highness till now! ;D HURRAY! and if you think good of everyth, everyth's gg to be fine ;D a positive mind sets everyth gg yo! ;D HEHEH!

and gosh, the underground pipes down my house's like crazy. VERY crazy, it's like... the water is sprouting like some goodness fountain. and apparently the big pipes below burst. ha, and den now it looks like im living in a flooded town. lol. yeps. a funny sight and there;s like some urgent construction gg on ;D

and just a random thot since my term 2's endin;D just sth reflective. aye, i dont know, i feel excited that holiday's gg to start! but poof that only meant i've to study!POOF! ;( which is not very good. aye! and yeps, many many stuff happened this term. gotta say, there's just heaps of ppl to thank (the list's too long to be generated really, but yeps, to anyone who's shared with fan even a teeny bit of happyness, thanks ya loves heaps;D i really appreciate everything lil thing ;D;D there're many a times where stuff just pile up and one cant cope and times where some major stuffs happen & we cant react rationally and let emotions get the better of us. i swear i aint anyone who handle bad stuff really well, but the least is, fan's learning ;) learning to is better than not trying at all ;D to fall and to stand back up again fast ;D and to face up to whatever's that ever falling bravely ;D and yes, of cos, one cant do w/o the support of family and friends ;D thankyou heaps to all the dears who's been standing by, and jsut lending support alw ;D and definitely of cos there's heaps of events to rmb and etched deep in the mind, lessons learnt, happiness and joy shared ;D been grateful and really appreciative of the wonderful companions alw, right from the beginning. i dont know, i've been really much a protected kiddo, at least i dont exactly rmb myself facing with extreme setbacks and im alw meeting and getting to know just the right ppl ;D right persons ;D extremely glad for sec 4dee babes who's alw there no matter how busy the schedule was, 07s44 class who's alw so whacky and nv really fails to light up one's day, and not forgetting, odac lovelies who's at everywhere and anywhere just akin to family ;D nv failing to make everything else btr ;D and yes, my online mates too ;D man, i cant believe i only get to talk to some of you online and probably only see you once in my lifetime, but yeps, thanks for sharing so much! cant believe friendships can be forged even in the virtual world ;D
and to you, my family and friends, pls just keep safe alw, and nods, may you have that joy and happyness in your life ;D

ALRIGHT! and yeps, a thot just kinda popped in my head and so i was wishing at one am in the morning (well, i missed 1111 today, and hopefully 0100 works the same). pls bless those in pain & those in need ;) yeps, may the pain for those victims of all the disasters happening now be lessened much. aye!

and yeps, for arkar boy! pls get well real soon boy ;D and quit straining your hands pls ! :D HAHAH! take good care yea! or you deserve whacks! ;D GRINS! ;D

aww shucks, mom and dad have to rush out now cos hospital just called. freak, and grandpa's supposedly in danger/critical condition. aye ;( pls, let him be fine. i know he'll.

and yes, im keeping my fingers crossed and maintaining a really really positive mindset. dont fail me pls ;D

20 May 2008

today wasnt exactly what i wanted it to be ;/ woke up feeling happy and darn, stupid gastric killed on the bus coupled with an everlasting cramp that nv really left the entire day till now. but yeah, was still happy throughout kinda ;D heh! my highness didnt wear off much from the long weekend tho ;D yeps! and sucky thing today was arkar boy fell and fractured both wrists. ah boy, take care alot alot alot dear! ;D and nods, please get well real soon ;D i know you will ;D and man, arkar boy was sooo tough and strong today ;D aye! so pls come back to us soon, im sure can one! a million grins! and YES, can come back and help me finish all my foood!!! ;D HEHEH! rest well and take care alot boyy! ;D

and so yeps, thank you NTN(nasty-turned-nice) ;D hehe! ah, i really miss talking to you. like just rambling alot. and it's been so long yea! but nods! i received the letter from you, and as expected, the handwriting was freaking horrifying. bleags!:P HAHAH! just kidding my dear ;D haha! but thanks heaps alot alot & you nasty, nastily forgot abt me! ;P

aye, and so today wasnt the best day i thought out to be. things happen outta our control. many many things.. and lameo says that imma too emotional to handle my own feelings. alright yes girl, i admit that i wasnt in complete control of my own emotions and things just turn otherwise what i intended them to be ;/ poof, but yeps, a positive mind sets everyth gg ;D and i shall attribute these to be yet another bad/weirdo day to get my mind over ;D tml's gonna be so much a btr day! ;D

18 May 2008

aye! alright! a new post today! and poof, it's nth like that of the past few day's i swear! nods, i assume this's gonna be a really short post since it's kinda an unearthly hr now and imma gg out tml! ;D hehe! so yeps, cant overslp! or i may be slaughtered! HAHA! alright! fan's a happy kiddo today, happily transferring songs to the ipod, converting videos ;D yes yes videos ;D and got soooo happy watching them agn ;D ah, i get to see my cute hae in action agn! LOL! he's retardedly/charmingly/adorably cute! ;D HEHE!! ayee really happy.

and then, i started watching miracle mv agn, and it made me really happy. i dont know, this song's gotten a really special effect on me ;D heh! it makes me contented ;D or rather i say, it reminds me to be contented ;D sometimes we just get overwhelmed by small big sadness that seemingly make us seem to overlook the tiny and large happiness that's even occuring at the same time ;D and yeps. we alw want to seek for the better, to want more happiness to want more joy to want alot alot more and yeps, subconsciously, we're all fragile beings, inevitably affected by bad stuff that throws your entire mind and toys with your emotions and feelings. and i guess it's only right for us to feel that cos we're all humans you see. but yeps, what makes it saddening is that we fail to place in great importance what we alr have, and we fail to see beyond the sadness, the bad stuff that the element of happiness will still be present anyhow. it's just that it's overshadowed by sadness ;D

'life couldnt get better' you tell yourself that, you're a contented person just the way you are and even if you fall, you stand up smiling agn cos no matter what small big sadness they are, they aint gonna get you down when you believe in 'miracle's ;D


15 May 2008

aye! despite slping really really really early and i think sufficient for the past few days, i admit and swear i wasnt in the best of mood these days. and im really really really sorry to whoever i've ever lost my temper to or probably wasnt in the best state to talk to in fact. cos the mood fluctuates worse than the ups and downs in the rollercoaster. aye, and i wish very much to attribute it to i dunno.. pms probably. ah, nods, but just really really pretty much in a daze and just feeling nua3 these days and yeps, i dunno i could be dead one moment and then, overexcited for the next. haha. is that a sign of gg crazy.hahah;D i wonder! ;D too much slp maybe! hahah.

aye, but anyhow, today was volleyball finals but yeps,it was really really exciting man ;D haha i was like. ah, my heart's abt to thump out every single moment. poof;D damn freaky. but yeps, even tho they didnt win it, i think it was a great match still. had a great time cheering and watching it ;D and great job to the vjvballers!! ;D ahwhee! and ytd was soccer girls finals! WHEE and vj won!;D like hurray, it was a close fight really and yeps we won 6-5 in penalty ;D ah, it was so heartstopping, so exhilarating. and everything and everything! ;D but really, both teams were good;D managed to see lingy and vivian at the stadium ytd ;D happyhappy ;D had dinner after that and went shopping abit here and there. animal,mph and just roaming abt. haha lol.

today's plain weird, i wasnt even focusing. like i get andrew asking me abt some stuff and den i didnt catch anyth at all cos i was in a daze, unfocused somewhere. and aye, it's jsut weird up down left right. like sth bad's gonna happen. poof ;( but i tried to keep bad thoughts away, tried to make myself happy and stuff. imma tough and strong yo! and i can overcome every thing! ;D nods! and my sincere prayers and wishes to shifu who's having her acl op tml ;D jiayou you daedanhada shifu!;D will bully you after ur op! :P dont think u'd be able to escape from us ya! ;D
and nods! grandpa just got admitted to the hospital probably an hr or two ago. aye, prayers for him too.
i know they'd be fine. (:

and yeps, hope this unhappy/mood fluctuating syndrome stops ;D nods. i wanna be happy happy happy ;D!

and whee, im reading a book finally ;D

13 May 2008

heyyyooo loves! ;D blogging agn! ;D and yes that's cos i reached home early today ;D oh man! and i realised that i havent been paying much attention to the new updates of my boys ;D haha MY. LOL! okay, i dont claim ownership of them of cos ;D hehe! damn, sis was updating me and gosh, no more my lovely perfect 13 boys ;( im so saddd cos they're so splitted up. seriously, no matter what i still like it when they were just ONE group. i mean it's good they venture out to more international markets and such. but i want suju as ONE ;( it got me really upset seeing that they;re all over the world in small groups. poof, i miss them together in action sooo much! ;( i want my lovely 13 boys back together pls! aye, and i miss seeing so much of my lovely cute spastic hae in action! ;D hehe! i love watching his old videos. he's such an ADORABLE DORK! ;D and man, i still love hearing him speak in KOREAN! poof, even tho he's starting to speak chinese now. aye but of cos, im happy seeing them receiving more recognition even in the chinese market now, happy for hae esp. but aye, it just sucks seeing the 13 of them not together being the extremely whacky bunch that never ever fails to put a smile on my face anymore. ;( POOF. but im happy as long as they are ;D

grins. and that's abit of complaining done ;D hehe!but you know, those just aint enough to express the sadness within me ;( poof, seriously, ppl just think we're plain foolish. who gets upset over such stuff seriously. hahah, but i do! and many others do! i know lingy's gg to agree with me ;D hehe, well, i miss getting my motivation from them, i rmb how everyday used to be soooo happy cos ah, i watched just a simple clip of them, how i can just smile every single day in bliss and happiness! ;D ahhh haengbok ;D i miss those days really! aye, and i rmb their album of songs tide me thru olvls ;D but aye, it was THOSE DAYS again. i guess it's this emptiness that i feel within me. how incomplete it felt esp after being so reliant on them for one full year ;D i nv regretted tho! hmmhmm, pls let the 13 stay togetherr ;D

nodsnods! and heh happy happy! tml's soccer girls finals! okay so it's VJ against SAJC again! arhhh, seriously i hope vj's gonna win! hehe! go VJSG! ;D hehe! but still, im sorta anticipating a good match tml! ;D hehe! good luck to cel and tam who's playing for SA too! ;D OMG! ;D hehe! it's so exciting being able to watch my 4dee dears playing ;D hehe! hurray! ;D JIAYOU to all of them! xiang, lorena, cel and tam! ;D heh! yipeeedoo! and vball girls got into finals! hehe! and our class is gg down to support sheila and the team ;D go girls ;D hehe! no stress girl! ;D GAMBATE!

a pretty weird/funny post ;D hahah! GOSH!! IMMA HAPPY! 19mths&2days! i love my boy! ;D

11 May 2008

happy lovely mommy's days to all mommys and of course to my dearest mommy ;D i love you mommmy even tho i know i have been a really bad kid. so pls tolerate with my horrible temper ;D right and so, im here blogging after one whole week of hiatus status ;D ahaha, been a pretty busy week, trying to cram my head with chem test and stuff. poof but it's over. i admit it got me pretty stressed up cos eh, i hate doing stuff im being forced into and so, i was forced to study for chem test becos i HAD to. i really hated the feeling ;D hahah! but right, i was happy i did my electromagnetic induction and vectors willingly ;D and poof, i did them! yay! imma continuing with vectors after this. yippeee doo! ;D and i was really kinda surprised i understood vectors. ZOMG ;D im not stupid! hahah!

alright. and i was at liang court with lingy ytd! haha! cel and tam bluffed that they were gg too! haha! but eh, they didnt lah. cos they were too tired after soccer training. haha lol ;D OH RIGHT YEAH! ;D liang court proves to be the best best best place for studyinggg ;D like really. so much memories ;D and zomg, it's simply a feeling of peace and bliss sitting at the same spot i was 3 yrs ago still! ;D haha! oh right, im returning to the same place ;D no more bishan and amk libraries ;/ boycottt! hahah ;D and yes, liang court has starbucks agn! ;D wheehee and many jap food restaurants and whoo kino ;D haha, lingy and i love this place ;D alotalot. and she was prety productive ytd too! and me too! i read and understood the lecture notes for vectors 2 - 6 in a mere 4 hrs with a short 15 min nap in between ;D WHEEHEE! my first time reading those notes i swear ;d oh right, tutorial time laterr ;D and zomg, something exciting to share, the toilet in liangcourt is RED! ;D ahaha! red is the new cool yo! ;D haha! WE couldnt resist the temptation to camwhore in the lovely pretty red ;D

and then, our dinner atliangcourt ;D jap food! hahah! ex ;D but it's worth it! ;D
as usual, lingy was telling me abt rice price inflation ;D hahaha :D YES I UNDERSTAND, but i stil dont finish the rice ;D HAHAHAH!
alright, time for tutorial ;D seeya loves!

04 May 2008

helloiello ;D my new way of saying hello ;) wheehee! fan's totally a happy little girl even tho the weather is abit warm and stuffy that totally killed me this beautiful afternn. i think i truly miss my dears alot ;D i feel so happy seeing them, talking to them, mugging with them, rubbishing with them. and yes, today's a good day out with lingy and jia! ;D AHAHA! were at amk lib for the morningg and then got displaced to the mosburger ;/ haha! the weather was unusually (usually) very very very hot. and stuffy that i was kinda feeling stuffed up at my chest and had difficulty breathing LOL! and a very groggy head coupled with some headache. haha! okay that was a tad too exaggerated ;D haha! but there was abit of everything. haha! the weather is BAD ;( lol! but the time passes unusually slow today. i kinda like it, but then again i dont ;D haha but it's fine. fan's a good girl, finished chem kinetics, hydroxy and carbonyl cpds! reading and understanding the TUTORIALS ;D POOFF! *jumps ard! so, lovely dears! do i deserve some ultra bigggie reward? grins a million! HEHE! okay. that was considered pretty productive for a slackkerrr like me. allright, im starting to pick up!

ayee and if any of you reading this blog AINT picking up, den you deserve a smack up down left right. because if this slackkkerr here is, then why ARENT you! ;D right!

and of cos, fan never fails to have fun ;D haha! rewarded myself with a lil shopping trip with the rest! ;D haha! first to artbox in amk hub! my second time this week ;D this time i bought stuff for myself ;D ahhh pretty pretty stuff that made my day really happy ;) this panda brown book with brown empty pages (lol, i bought with no idea what to do with it ;D), a pocket flipbook (i dont know what to do with this too!) ayee, but it was too adorableeee! WAHAHA! a scheduler (ayeee! maybe it'd make me more aware of dates and be a tad more organised ;D hah! it's so cute, imma gg to use it! and yes a nice notebook that says "LOVE & PEACE" but i really like the verse on it

success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you
love what you are doing, you will be successful.

haha, guesswhat imma gg to do with the notebook! to write my beatiful organic chem notes in it! ;D ARHAHA! ;D den whee! i'd maybe develop a love for organic chem ! ;D ahhh, great tactic huh! ;D immaaa genius! HAHA!

alright. then i went for dinner with lingy, jia had to go home ;( poof. but yeah, lingy and i had dinner then, we decided to go SHOPPPING ;D haha! went into a few shops. tried on some tops, some bottoms ;D but didnt buy any but lingy bought two tops ;D haha! and i wanted to buy canvas shoes! stopped at converse and GOSH! this beautiful red checkered shoes caught my eyes and i fell in love with it. love at first sight i call that ;D mann, and what's the worst thing. ha, the shoes were way too huge. haha they didnt have my size and i thought my feet were big ;/ FREAK! man, i still want that that that that pair of shoes! ;( haha! then, my horrible experience with shoes continued with another pair i saw in the shop ;D haha! this time a green pair with a army green flap ;D heh, still not as nice as the first. but ayee, i dont mind! AND GUESS WHAT, they were too big AGAIN ;/ AHH! i was alr ultra upset! drama drama. i found this pair of shoes that's beige. pretty nice but lingy was like. aye, you're not gg to wear it with vj sch u are you. haha! you'd look monochrome ;D HAHAHA! that got me laughing. haha! yes, it's like the same color. haha! MATCHING shoes! so i decided not to get it. went ard shopping somemore! and yes! i think it was the horrible shoe shopping experience that caused me to buy this other pair of bum equipment shoes on impulse. freak, they were too big;/ haha! but like alw, i buy things in impulse and esp this time, it's catalysed by the fact that i didnt get my other two pairs of shoes that im sick of shoes without my size! and on impulse, i just bought the pretty loose bum equipment shoes. and ended up still very happy abt it ;D HAHAH! okay, i think im spastic ;D LOLOL! but i need a new pair of shoes still. still gonna hunt for my pretty red checkered shoes and yes, with my size pls ;D HAHA!

and that marks my pretty happy day out. studying and wheehee, shopping. ah, im glad i aint feeling the horrible feeling like ytd anymore ;D aint gonna think abt bad stuff bcos they kill you and your mood, making you a grumpy 'pooo'ie (shitty) person! ;D so yeah, hop out and pull yourself outta any sad, unhappy, angry, stressful, depressing thoughts/stuff before you sink in further. and no worries, there'd alw be someone (eh.. hmm, like me!:P) who's MORE than willing to pull you outta them. and that is IF YOU LET THEM ;D

i just wish YOU (you my dears/loves and anyone who happens to read this)'d be happy ;D

man, i like the song 'letitburn' by usher ;D

HAPPY 18th birthday CELESTIA TAN! ;D hope you had a fantastic bday ;D and yes, hope you like the soccer boots we got for you ;D and yeah! LUCKS for all your matches and seasons! ;D you go girl ;D stay happy and cheery ;DD

04 May 2008

second post for the night. dont think i'd be able to slp. but i have to ;( and so imma gg to force myself to fall aslp soon ;D and im ultimately super sad abt the fact that i lost my earpiece for sonyericsson phones ;/ POOF, it just miraculously went missing like that. AH, and my sis's one is missing too. i suspect there's some stupid earpiece addicts out there stealing earpieces ;/ HAHA! alright. very spastic. but uhhh, how am i gg to study with no music ;/

grrr.. wishes dont work! then again, if they come true so easily, there's no joy in making a wish and having it come true ;D

alright, nightsy dears ;D imma gg to try slpinggg ;D

03 May 2008

poofy! and fan's supposed to be feeling exceptionally happy after a 8hr long slp ;D from 1 plus in the afternn to 9plus in the night. but apparently not quite ;( and i hate this feeling inside of me. i dont know what it's called but the fact that it's devouring my happiness aint good at all ;( freak. and i know partly why i feel like that ;( poof, okay, and i stopped for a good whole 30 mins after writing the first part ;/ EEKS. okayyy lollipopping time ;D some happiness induced hopefully ;D

alright and yes ytd was a good day ;D goody day! cos i was really really really happy that i did btr than i expected for my napfa;D lol i was so scared initially that i kept jumping ard nervously. i guess it was due to a total bad exp in sec 4 ;/ lol ;D but it went smooth and well this time ;DD i guess less expectations and you'd reap more happiness and satisfaction in the end ;D and probably that's how i felt. haha! extremely high ;D and yah! thanks yufang and yilun! ;D they treated us icecream ;D WHEEHEE! after that, lessons lessons and lessons. survived and tada, went to the room aft that to slack ard ;D haha! slept. and poof, pt was... unsatisfying i must say. it's like the weather was too hot and the mood wasnt there to do anyth at all ;D so yah. it ended pretty fast ;/ went back to the room, attempted to play cards, but decided to slp more ;D bathed and yay, time for dance concert ;D

yeps, the dances were damn nice and got all of us hyped up but freak, the pt was freaking cold and we were like very much freezing ;D thank goodness the good dances kept me in there ;D HEEH! and wheehee, i swear the lil kids guest performers were . WOAH, SO ADORABLE ;D haha! i wanna bring them home! :DD LOL! but overall, the ticket for the dance concert was really worth it ;D hehe! and okay ya, after that, our big plan for shihan's bday starts! ;D HEHE! conned her into believing that very few ppl are gg her hse for stayover den the rest bluffed her they're gg home but in fact are on their way to her hse! ;D hehe! and so that was the surprise for her bday and they lit candles on the grasspatch in the words 'ODAC <3 LS' ;D and we sang bday song for her with a pretty green cake ;D wheehee ;D and her rxn was instant. just cried almost instantly ;D heh! yay! our surprise was a beautiful success tho we well.. fabricated so many lies in between. but it was all for a good cause ;D yay! one conclusion: she was touched ;D and seeing that, we know all our efforts paid off ;D HAHA!

went back to her home andyeps, party started. eating and some even cooked instant noodles and stuff ;D lol. and yeah, decided to play mahjong after tht. lol,happy happy cos lady luck was kinda with me ;D grins. won like 2 or 3 rounds ;D whee. had a 15 min short nap before that and yay as usual, it kept me pretty high and awake for the night ;D and yeps, when all of them were like kinda slping in the end, i was like sitting awake, playing spastic lumines blocks and listening to songs ;D and yeah, just thinking randomly. haha! and alex soh keeps murmuring i dunnowhat in his slp. HAHAH! dozed off at some parts but wake up in the midst. but it was freezing lah. like totally. even with the jacket, it was super cold. decided to head out with hammie to the living room cos both of us couldnt take the cold and heh, had to push alex's legs who were blocking the door away ;D had a pretty decent hr of slp on the dining room table ;D woke up somewhat and just couldnt really get to slp after that ;D stoned, watched ppl slp, listened to music till more ppl wake up. beauty and beast left pretty early and then, all of us waited till all were up and headed to have breakfast ;) gosh, and that was when my tiredness and slpiness were seeping in. was kinda very tired.but heh, the walk was funn with 'ha gao' and 'siewmai' talks and just random rubbish. haha! darryl left during breakfast.after breakfast. headed to shihan's hse, gave her her presents before jia and rach left. and the rest of the girls all gathered in the room, talking. lol, online shopping, friendster hopping and just talking randomly ;D haha! pretty fun ;D haha! while the guys were out there playing xbox ;D went home at 12 plus. and yeps. bathed and didnt even wait till my hair was dry. i just SLEPT all the way till 9 plus, skipping lunch and dinner. and now im feeling hungry. gosh;/

alright. studying tml with some dears in amk lib. hopefully productive. swear i need to get some studying done and quit being sooo slack. not that i can help it but.. gosh, i need some motivation ;( where are you. where where where.
haha that sounds delirious. no worries, not anywhere near being driven to nuts yet.

at the end of the day, it meant nothing.

When you're close to tears remember
Some day it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get so high
And though it's darker than December
What's ahead is a different colour
One day we're gonna get so high

And at
The end of the day
remember the days
When we were close to the edge
And we'll wonder how we made it through the night
The end of the day
remember the way
We stayed so close till the end
We'll remember it was me and you

'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me
You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love

Don't you think it's time you started
Doing what we always wanted
One day we're gonna get so high
'Cause even the impossible
is easy when we got each other
One day 'we're gonna get so high

And at
The end of the day
remember the days
when we were close to the edge
And we'll wonder how we made it through the night
The end of the day
remember the way
We stayed so close to till the end
We'll remember it was me and you.

'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me
You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love
'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me
You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love

High, high, high, high, high, high, high, high

And at
The end of the day
remember the days
when we were close to the edge
And we'll wonder how we made it through the night
The end of the day
remember the way
We stayed so close to till the end
We'll remember it was me and you.

'Cause we are gonna be forever you and me
You will always keep me flying high in the sky of love (x3)

random: skateboarding is kinda fun! hehe! had my first try on the skateboard ytd in the odac room ;D POOF! it was freaking fun! ;D but im damn lousy at it ;D hahah! but still, first try! HAHAH! YAY! I WANNA BE A SKATER GIRLL!!! LOL! ;DD

01 May 2008

ahh! ;D it's really amazing how things sometimes appear in your life agn. haha! take for example, i simply forgot abt the existence of this kinda meaningful song that seemed ever so familiar 'high by lighthouse family'. gosh. a pretty old song, but that was until i heard it again ytd. freak, and i coluldnt rmb the song title at all! and so i racked my brains for it and tada! i found it again! HEHE! it's like subconsciously you have it in your mind ;D and this makes me so happy! ;D SO SO SO HAPPY! ;D to be frank, i really dont know what sorta memories this song brings. i really cant exactly remember. not the slightest hint. but darn, when i heard the song again, it brought a familiar feeling back in me and made me smile so much! jumps ard! NICE SONG ;D but damn, i cant rmb under what circumstances i heard this song. but i think it has kinda some impact in me otherwise it wouldnt have brought that subconscious smile and familiar feeling! ;D man, im getting old that my brains' failing me ;/

ahhh haha! anyw, happy burfday syaz dear today! ;D hehe! and happy birthday ivie love ytd! ;D OMG, i swear i felt all was so worth it when i saw that smile on your face and the fact that you were really touched and stuff ;D all the late nights, going from here to there to everywhere getting the presents done and stuff were absolutely worth it ;D and it's all worth it for that brilliant smile and a special moment on your bday dear! :D HEHE! and that made us really really really happy too! ;D and so, it was ivie's special 18th bday ytd! ;D

thank you dear for alw being there and such ever since from i first knew you in cyclone ;D it's amazing how all of us just got brought together in a small happy group called cyclone ;D zl dog, shh dear, jo daddy, ivie dear and fan ;D hehe, and then, it's amazing how we got thru hard times and there, ended up with being part of the 26 in the lovely amazing 24th batch ;D and yes, throughout, we had so much spastic times and i'd always rmb your spasticness and childishness ;D hehe! we all agreed you're the most spastic girl in cyclone :P! hehe! and not to forget, tough times keep us stronger and more bonded together ;D OLC, OTs, ITC! everything and everything ;D alw there with your dimpled smile, brightening up our life with your spastic comments! and it has been really fun and enjoyable working with you. admin comm for reunion, DARE comm dept and yes, my first race partner ;D thank you for being part of everything that'd alw leave a smile on my face ;D AH, IVIE LOVE! i love you! ;D and i cant say enough ;D

HEHE! peektures will be up soon enough. bt cos my cam batt died, i cant load it in my com yet ;D hehe! aye yes, today's labour day and i was out! it was kinda fun. okay, fine. fun cos i was awake and had enough slp. haha! but seriously, my brain got drained for qt abit towards the end ;D but heh, B&Js GOT ME HAPPY AGN! omg, finally satisfied my craving for B&Js. felt i really really needed it at that point of time. i dont like times when i feel unhyped and esp coupled with the fact that i shldnt be feeling that sian or tired bcos of my almost 10 hr long slp! ;D and boo lameo, I GOT MY B&Js IN THE END! smiles and sticks out tongue a million! :D but yeah, no freecone day thrill tho. but iloveit still ;D ayeee! today's a good day stepping in town seeing so many oh-so-cute things! I BOUGHT two ADORABLE TTM files and heh, got myself very contented ;D haha! okay, im a very easily happy person ;D HAHAH! home for dinner and then watched abit of tv and here i am now! ;D

AH HAPPY DAY for almost every moment! ;D yummy yoghurt and ben&jerry's are ultra satisfying ;D and out with the lovely dears beat stoning and den trying very hard to study and yet nth gets into my head totally!! :D aye! and there was a totally hilarious episode today ;D which i shan't elaborate! haha! the whole thing was hilarious! ;D

AH YEA! and that so marks my pretty lovely beautiful day ;D

29 April 2008

hello world, darlings, dears, loves ;D hehe! okay. i think this few days have been madness and i shan't elaborate anything now. yeps, and i think my brains are kinda screwed, fried, grilled, i dunno. ;D haha! and madness sis is frantically tryingto study for 2 subjects for her CA and then, rushing for her D&T project/coursework. i dont know. aye,and im slacking. okay. im supposed to do at least alil bit of work today. at least that's what i wanted to achieve. but guess not. im kinda tried, mentally and well.. physically too. and i dont understand why ;D haha it's the achey feeling all over your body ;( aye! and shyt, i think i start doing stupid stuff everytime i feel groggy and tired ;D LOL! a korean dude called me on my mobile today! and heck, i didnt know who that stranger was. ;D but yes, nice voice nice language ;D man, i so wanted to reply him in korean. and POOF, i cant cos apparently my korean sucks to the max ;D i cant even rmb the basics except for annyeonhaseyo! ;D LOL! that's qt bad i realise. haha!

and yeps, SHH dear, pls recover asap ;D and get well sooon! i'd be praying for you ;D and yes, may the virus be killed killed killed destroyed destroyed very very very soon pls! ;D HEHE! missed ya girl! (even tho it was only for a short one day!) hahah! it feels weird not seeing shh in the room today! ;D cos you're alw in the room you seee! ;D hehe! and poor ivie is missing ya too! heh! and she went to h3 alone today with no shh ;( ayee! and she was complaining it in the loggie too! ;D HEHE! so impt shh, pls come back soooon!;D

LOL! and yes, i think im very much typing alot alot alot alot of crap now. haha brain's not workingthat fantastic you see ;D haha! and mommy was like slapping my feet just now cos i suddenly talked really loud to her! HAHA! and she was like 'is that how you talked to your mommy!' in a freaking joking manner and i just went on to irritating and annoying her with increased volume ;D haha! LOL the entire episode was kinda funny and everyth stopped immediately the moment the show went back on agn ;D the transition was woah FAST. HAHA!

AYE! fan's happy abt many little things today even tho she didnt get to eat her B&J's free cone. MAN! ;D i wanttttt~ hahah! i cant believe i missed it this yr agn ;/ haha! but it's okay. i was pure lazy and heh, i have been a good kid being in a sparsely populated physics lecture, and trying to manage copying lecture notes and slping at the same time ;D and TADA, i managed to ;D just that i didnt get a good slp. haha! but ayeee... choco fudge brownie, strawberry cheesecake, raspberry sorbet and many many many more!~ shut up fan, sinful ttm! haha! knocked out totally for math lecture today, like woah, really fast. i just couldnt take it. the aircon's freakingggg... SPOILT! on hot weathers like this ;/ haha! ;D man, pls get the aircon fixed.

alright, mommy's complaining i've been slping really LATE lately ;D HAHA! and she's wondering why. and heh, i just smiled at her. i cant possibly tell her im surfing ard, constantly watching videos and chatting senselessly XP since i reached home early early at 7 plus today ;D i shall be a really good kid to slp at 12 sharp ;D sports day tml. and poof, i dont feel like running 8*50m. eh, abit i cannot really run lah huh. ;/ LOL! aye. go aquila ;D GOGOAQUILA ;D haha!

alright, patiently waitin for the clock to strike 12 ;D heh! that's like cinderella heh! okay, HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVISIMO! ;D YOU'RE LOVED! ;D

27 April 2008

aye;D had a great and fantastic day out after like i dunno how long ;D stepped into town. gosh ;D hehe! felt like any normal teenager who goes to town and have fun! ;D lol! yeps, walked ard and was pretty high ;D grins! but got kinda mentally exhausted after the entire afternn ;D but it was still good and fun tho.

and so, this sunday proves to be yet another totally slack day ;D didnt do anyth related to school at all for this entire week. freak and im feeling kinda guilty and it's a feeling of uncertainty becos i have never been so unsure in my life before abt schoolwork and stuff (this only shows i HAD[note the terrible past tense] been a consistent playhard but still perform relatively good student) well, like what lameo said, it was THE PAST and darn, i dont know what got into my brains these two yrs too ;D everything's been good except for the academics part. true, i dont fail any subjects for promos and cts so maybe im in a btr situation than many others. but there are well... expectations to live up to. talked to some others and lameo just earlier today. it's kinda scary to be reminded of the little time we have now till disgusting alvls. definitely, i cant think alvls as easy as i did for olvls bcos im not the least prepared at all. the thought is kinda scary becos the feeling's just so foreign. shoosh, cant blame anything else except for myself. nods, and yeah, got kinda frustrated at myself and i admit, alil stressed out but haha, definitely not to the point of crumbling. ;D imma strong bcos i have lame ppl like lameo ard me who are willing to lend me their shoulder to lean on when i needed it. ;D haha! so yes, it was comforting for a lean on the shoulder for a silent one min and i guess i needed it ;D and guess what, it was over the phone. haha! amazing how it still has the same effect. haha we're so lame but thanks love ;D GOSH!;D haha alright, just let me slack for another one last night ;D den maybe i'd pick up alil ;D

ah crap, this post wasnt intended to turn out this way ;/ lol, but yeah, i blog what i feel. haha! alright, on to the happy stuff, great job to volarers ;D! they got 2nd! ;DD HAHAH! the acct on ivie's blog was totally entertaining and interesting! ;D hehe! glad they had soooomuch fun! ;D HEHE! allright, busy week ahead. but imma gg to block out labour day for studying ;D and i hope the little motivation isnt too shortlived to die out on me on labour day itself :D whee! and yeps, tuesday's LOVELY FREE CONE DAY FOR B&J's :D and FRIDAY's DANCE CONCERT ;D LOVELY. haha!

okay! and lol! zl's retarded. haha! he says he'd study hard for chem test on week8 and get an A! hahah ;D oh right, we'd see how true it turns out. but the reason for him to study hard is really very motivating ;D hahaha! oh haha this is just pure random:D

27 April 2008

haha! as usual, fan's damn bored! HAHA! OH RIGHT! and i saw the tag from both my spastic dears, ivieeee and siewhweeee;D

Game rules:
A. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse.
B. These 8 people must state who they were tagged by. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
betrayed and heartbroken ;( poof, if he ever betrays me, then, he's definitely not the one for me ;) get on with life ;D it doesnt just fall cos my lover betrayed me ;/ HAHA, but it takes time tho ;D

2. What will you do if you do not share the same feelings as the person who likes you?
hmmm.. just be frank ;D but yeah, nv harshly ;D

3. What will your dream wedding be like?
i nv really think of this before. hmmm, what about just a wedding in big field of nice flowers ;D and then, have little cute korean kids ard as flower boys and girls ;D AWWW, so adorable ;D

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
there's nth much to be confused of. unless you want me to decide what course i wanna take in uni, maybe i would be ;D

5. What's your ideal lover like?
aye, someone like leedonghae ;D HAHA! fat hope ;D lol
nah, i think someone who understands, cares, shares my happiness, sadness, makes me laugh and just loves me for who i am ;D

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?
being loveddd ;D

7. If the person you like does not accept you, would you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?
aye, that really depends ;D

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
aye, what can i do? LOL ;D i aint gonna be a third party ;/ HAHA

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?
not really ;D maybe just grumpy at most ;D

10. What do you want most in life?
to be constantly happy ;D

11. Is being tagged fun?
lol, fun when you have nth to do. haha! it can cure some boredom ;D

12. If you find out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?
utterly betrayed.but i believe my best friend will never do that ;D FAITH AND TRUST ;D

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?
i dont know how to ans this. i have IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE ;D i cant choose one ;D

14. What kind of person do you think I am?

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
the reality remains that you cant do anyth being poor. forced and driven circumstances will tend to drive all the happyness away even if you're with your loved one ;D and richness cant buy you happyness you can have with your beloved. aye, im greedy, can i have the best of both worlds? ;DD

16. If the person you secretly like cannot recognize you, what would you do/how would you react?
circle ard him more frequently (STALKER YES. LOL! nah, imma just kidding abt the front portion), make sure he knows my name and rmbs my face.

17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
;D yes, anything that i feel comfortable and happy with ;D

18. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
prefers being loved and so the extent of being loved ;D the one who loves me more ;D

19. What type of friends do you like?
friends whom we can depend on ;D i believe in give and take ;D so yeah, anyone who i love sharing my happyness with and friends who can laugh, talk, cry and do any crazy retardedd funny stuff with you and at the end of the day, creates the best moments ever ;D

20. If you played a prank on someone, and he/she fell for the trick, what would you do?
aye, i tag lingy, lameo, tong oh,just anyone who feels bored enough to want to try this ;DD

27 April 2008

hello loves! im back back ;D hehe just did e assessment after a nice one half hr of slp ;D and the slp made me very happy! cos i wont doze off in front of the lappie agn ;D like ytd, i was trying to keep very very awake while transferring photos and files! oh yeah anyw, been pretty long since the last actual post ;D hehe! today;s a pretty funny day. filming is extremely boring, having to do the same scene over and over again. yawns and it slowly drains all that energy i have in me, leaving me so tired. hahah! finally when it ended, i was kinda really happy. haha went for lunch at bedok central. haha and den even tho i was sooo freaking tired that i can just go home and fall aslp, i went town with jol and hammy. haha ;D SHOPPING! ;D whee! didnt get anyth tho!haha! BUT IT WAS STILL FUN cos it felt like i went out for a reason - window shopping. wanted to get caps ;D but the designs werent too nice ;D HAHAH

lol!and hammy got to window shop with two girls. hahah basically we kept choosing clothes for him to try and change in. lol! freaking funny. hahah. the white shirt with pink stripes and cute pockets is NICEEEE ;D it makes someone look happy and cheery ;D hahahs. and hammy refused to try on the green stripes shirt jol chose.haha funny to the max. hahahs. and jol and i want to buy backpack backpack! ;D haha and funny shh, sick still go shopping and buy bacpack somemore!AHHH! haha jealloussss grins. aye! i want to buy that mooks cap actually. kinda liked it but it was kinda ex ;/ POOF. hahah!

fan wants to shop ;D

26 April 2008

ah feeling tired now. opened this page, hoping to blog. but im kinda drained. hahah! the filming for the funny mediacorp show took like super long that my brains, head, eyes and everything else is tired. aye! but i still went for a pretty fun and adrenalined( that means i survived on adrenaline ;D) shopping trip. ;D hahah! didnt buy anyth but i was tempted to ;D shall elaborate more later.


bwahh, im excited, sleepy, happy, alil upset, alil worried, alil confused ;/ poof, what kinda weird feeling is this! ;( hahah!

23 April 2008

poof! another day just went by ;D aye and im just here to blog sth, after not blogging for qt some time. actually, erm.. jus one day XD lol! okay yea! today's fine! and i really really really tried keeping awake during class but i guess i still died in the end ;/ haha! man, sleeping early sure doesnt help in keeping myself awake in lectures and tutorials ;/ aye, so that implies only the tchers. ahem. yes. HAHA!! but yes, effort is better than anyth else! ;D

haha! im feeling kinda slpy now ;/ like i can totally doze off and slp. haha! lol at a crazy time of 8:41pm. haha! now this is called slping early ;P as if i would. haha! and yes went to ccab to support crosscty ;D haha! the weather's damn weird. haha super hot initially and den started pouring like crazy towards the end. was wet almost thoroughly ;( eeks, and i wasnt prepared to get wet at all today. haha! my bag, lecturenotes, worksheets, NOTES ;( and everything else were almost all wet ;/ hhaha! but usually i dont really mind rainy days when im indoors or when i feel crazy enough to get wet. aye! try watching rain in the rain ;D ah! damn fun damn fun! lol! but just as i said, it wasnt the right time to get wetttt in the rain today. hehe!

okayy doke ;D and now im like laying everything on the ground to sorta hope they'd dry! haha! eeeyer, stupid. the notes are wet and horrible ;( hahaha! and eeks, why aint the stupid bag waterproof. NYEH! hahaha! ya so one of the best things that made my day was sorta like the yummy icecream i bought aft getting out from ccab ;D ah BLISS! ;D hehe! it was sooo much LOVE eating it! HEHE! jumps ard!

imma still happy happy ! ;D dang! i reached home before 730 pm today! OMG! like after how long. wow ;D and mom was surprised i was home so early :D hehe! eeks and the strawberries im eating now are not nice ;/ grins! SHH! i want nice korean strawberries which taste yummy yum yum ;D hehe! and uh, ultra sweeeettt ;D ahaha, random. alright. imma ending here ;D and i forgot, s44 blog up ;D yayee! place to spam pictures ;D but i think the blog'll end up stagnant soon enough ;D


21 April 2008

alright! FIRST THING:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONG! (sorry dear, wasnt able to get a present for u or anyth cos i lost track of dates ;( ayee! but will make it up to u soon! ;D sorry love! but stil, have a wonderful burfday you girl! ;D)

aye okay! today's pretty much a normal day and yes, sheila's back ;D HAHAH! after her whole two weeks of not in school! ;D heh! she recovered from her chicken pox! and with really little scars ;D which is a goooddiee thing! HURRAY! ;D and yes, watched soccer match today and yeps, it was kinda imba but not as exciting as the prev match against cj.but still, not bad ;D hahah! lol and den there was an impromptu decision to go for class dinner with some ppl from s44 to celebrate bernard's bday! haha! so had to wait in the room till 730pm while everyone else went home except for wm and ch. hahah! lol. as usual, beauty and the beast are alw the last to leave ;D hahah! yeps! didnt do much today. or rather, didnt do anyth constructive at all today. poof! ;( plain lazy. AYE! but dinner was fun and super hilarious. we waited for the king of the day to arrive. haha and 730pm became 830pm. lol ;D how retarded. but it's okay, still had qt a funny time waiting. went to fish&co for dinner and yayee! cheryl and i shared seafood platter for one along with chockie junkie. yummilicious to the max. and the whole table shared jungle freeze and mermaid freeze ;D hehe! was feeling ultra full after that ;D aye! and sang bday song for bernarddd! and gave him his beautiful childish kiddo presents that seeann and andrew got for him on our behalf-a ratatouille pencil case and a winnie the pooh water bottle.

aye cabbed home with yf and xy after that ;D hurray! can cab! ;D happy happy. grins. den got home not as late as expected to be. and yes, i promised shifu that i'd slp early today. and so yes, im slping like NOW. ;D HAHA! okay. nightsy world and i really think my body system is kinda screwed. FREAK, AGAIN! ;( ARH!

and so before i forget, yes let pictures do the talking ;D
oh oh and cheryl's setting up a blog for us to load our pics ;D which is good. meanwhile i'd just post it on mine ;D

happy burfday boy! ;D

20 April 2008

woke up alil too late today and hence, decided to stay at home to study. and poofy, just when i decided to really really concentrate on studying. my aunt came with my two lil cousins. eh wait.. hahas nephews, ah ya, my cousins' children. hahah. gosh. super super super noisy! HAH! but they're adorable tho. they immediately took control over my laptop and started spamming games and the young one was adorable and dimply ;D hah! kept doing rolls on the bed and stuff. hahas! man so that only explains the fact why i cant concentrate and heh, they just took control my entire room, jumping on my bed and stuff. hahahs so cute. lol but noisy to the point that nothing organic chem goes into my poor brain ;( haah so i think today's pretty much unproductive even tho i managed to read hydroxy compounds, carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acid and derivatives. but heh,can i mention that i rmb nth much of them just that they look somewhat the same to me and the terms' just foreign and swimming in my head ;D

hehe! daddy mommy made me go to their room to study and apparently, i fell aslp on the bed cos heh, it was kinda dark and stuff and the air con's on. so, perfect for slping. haha! slept for probably an hr plus? ah but was more refreshed when i woke up. dinner after that and darn, im reading hydroxy cpds AGAIN. ah freak. hahah it just doesnt stay in the mind. hahahah! alright. man, im not focusingggg~

aye ;D nth much till now ;D
aye i rmb! alcohol can be prepared from alkenes, halogenoalkanes, carboxylic acids, ketones and aldehydes ;D tht's like everything. DANG. HAHAH! ;DD hurray ;D and this is probably the only thing i rmb. haha cos i read this before my thots start to run wild, jump wild. and it's amazing how you cant control sometimes what your mind thinks! man, im beginning to miss alot alot alot of things of the past. and memories are so powerful, you just have to unlock them and it brings the same vivid emotions back ;D

and yes, quote of the day 'dont wait for a special miracle, create it'!

20 April 2008

ah freak. did i mention that i hate hate hate blogger to freaking delete my post that i painstakingly typed out despite my extreme slpiness ;/ ah. but yeps, im back here in my cozy little space after a slight revamp ;D ah, yeps new blog layout ;D hehe and i call it happiness pangs. happiness pangs are the sensation of overwhelming joy overflowing within you ;D and yeps every little thing in life contributes to this happiness pangs ;D every simple thing can bring a smile upon someone's face ;D oh right ;D

nth much to blog this week. it's just the usual ;) and musicfest first. good job to both paper pavement and hello panda! man, i so wanted you all to win. but no worries, cliche as it might sound, i think u all are winners in our hearts! ;D ah yes, great job josiah daddy and did i mention the blue base was hella cool ;D ah yes! and to hello pandas,shoosh you all were super super super! haha! entertaining to the max i swear ;D from the start of the mv till the end, i was practically laughing like a girl gone crazy ;D musicfest probably drained all that energy in me that when i reached home i slept almost immediately.

ah, glad i woke up in time today to take ivie's car to changi jetty ;D went ubin for weeding and cycling. kinda cool ;D experienced getting pricked by mimosa (which loks so harmless but indeed a scam!) ah yes, weeded alot of weeds ;D and it was pretty nice and fun. lunch after that and den went home with ivie, shh and shihan! bus 59 gang ;D YAYEE! ;D but i guess we slept throughout most of the time ;D HEHE! yawns yawns. the tiredness was setting in then.

hahah! alright it sure is setting in now. im tired. ah i dont feel like studying tml! arigh, quit whining fan. im getting too lazy for my own good. haha! idealistic and UNrealistic me tells myself that things will work out well for academics. somehow i'd be able to fight it!
HAHAH! nah, with sheer determination (i hope have) and yeps, i can do it miraculously w/o touching the lecture notes. haha i wish ;D grins! ohoh and did i mention norton's live chat help was very effective in fixing the comp :D YES! im gg slp now! TIRED! AHHH!

oh and before that, my idealistic wish for tonight is 'everyone, please be happy ;D'